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El uso inadecuado de chimeneas causa más de cien incendios anuales en Navarra

El uso inadecuado de chimeneas causa más de cien incendios anuales en Navarra

María José Beaumont ha destacado en la presentación de la campaña institucional que, bajo el lema “No juegues con fuego, disfruta de él”, busca prevenir incendios y fomentar el uso adecuado de las chimenea.

Eluso inadecuado de las chimeneasha sido el causante de más de cien incendios al año enNavarraen los últimos ejercicios, casi uno de cada cuatro de estos sucesos que se registran en las viviendas.

Así lo ha señalado hoy la consejera de Presidencia, Función Pública, Interior y Justicia,María José Beaumont, en la presentación de la campaña institucional que, bajo el lema “No juegues con fuego, disfruta de él”, busca prevenir incendios y fomentar el uso adecuado de las chimeneas.

La consejera ha remarcado la necesidad de esta campaña con la llegada del invierno, ya que el 24,2% de los incendios de viviendas son provocados por chimeneas, "lo que viene propiciando más de cien intervenciones anuales delServicio Navarro de Bomberos–Nafarroako Suhiltzaileak en los últimos ejercicios”.

Por ello, se ha realizado un decálogo de consejos en torno a las tres principales causas de estos incendios, que son el deficiente aislamiento en la construcción o reforma de las chimeneas, la acumulación de creosota en los tiros de las chimeneas y el mal uso.

Según ha indicado en una nota el Ejecutivo foral, el director del Servicio de Bomberos de Navarra,Javier Bayona, ha incidido en la importancia de las recomendaciones para ganar seguridad sin renunciar al confort y poder cumplir el lema de “No jugar con fuego, sino disfrutar de él”.

En la campaña, que con un presupuesto de 50.000 euros será visible en prensa escrita y publicidad de radio, además de por un vídeo para su difusión por redes sociales, en primera instancia se recomienda contratar la construcción o reforma de chimeneas con profesionales.

Así, el tiro o conducto de evacuación de los humos -en su trayectoria vertical buscando el exterior- atraviesa forjados y cubiertas que deben estar perfectamente aislados del calor, por lo que se debe comprobar siempre que exista aislamiento y cumpla los estándares de calidad.

La madera al arder destila una serie de aerosoles que se van depositando a lo largo de las paredes del conducto o tiro de la chimenea y que, al acumularse, crean una costra alquitranosa llamada creosota que, si adquiere cierto grosor, se puede poner incandescente y arder.

Las mismas fuentes advierten de que "una chimenea con un alto nivel de creosota es muy peligrosa y es fácil que provoque un foco de ignición en la estructura de la vivienda", y de hecho, este es el principal motivo de estos incendios.

Para evitarlo, el Gobierno de Navarra recomienda deshollinar la chimenea todos los años si se utiliza a diario y, al menos, cada dos o tres años si se hace con menor frecuencia, por ejemplo en segundas viviendas. Estas labores deben ser realizadas por un profesional, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que son trabajos en altura.

El último bloque de consejos se refieren al buen uso, como el de evitar sobrecargas de leñas y utilizar leñas secas y duras, como roble, encina o haya, que generan más calor y menos creosotas que las blandas, como pino o chopo.

Se debe crear una zona de seguridad no colocando a menos de dos metros de distancia del fuego ningún material combustible y utilizar chimeneas con tapa para evitar el salto de chispas o pavesas.

Igualmente, es importante mantener una ventilación constante de la estancia y asegurarse de apagar totalmente el fuego, sobre todo, antes de marcharse de una segunda vivienda o al acostarse.

Además, la instalación de un detector de incendios ubicado correctamente es una "excelente medida de precaución" para detectar a tiempo el inicio de un incendio.

También, el Gobierno de Navarra recuerda que si a pesar de haber tomado todas las precauciones, se ve humo o fuego, se debe llamar inmediatamente al 112.

Después de llamar, hay que apagar la chimenea, y, si la persona que lo ha detectado se siente capaz, intentar sofocar el fuego mientras llegan los bomberos, pero siempre sin ponerse en peligro.

Fuente:Diario de Navarra

We’re here to help you
Do you have any doubts? Do you have a technical question or require assistance?
AEFECC is the only association that brings together manufacturers, importers and suppliers of wood burning stoves, fireplaces, cook stoves, boilers and, in general, wood burning and biomass appliances in Spain.
Combustion occurs within a closed chamber, acquiring the necessary oxygen from the outside without altering the oxygen in the fireplace.
Atmospheric power
Heat transferred to the atmosphere.
Axial fan
This is a type of fan where both the motor and the blades are mounted directly on the shaft. When the shaft and blades rotate, it produces a current parallel to the shaft.
CE Power
Average power available from the device, certified in official laboratories.
Centrifugal Turbine
A centrifugal tangential fan in which air is driven by a turbine or impeller, sucking it through the centre, expelling it through its blades parallel to its axis and exiting in a perpendicular direction to achieve greater pressure / speed with less sound.
Cleaning Access
Easy access to remove soot through a hatch (patented) Easy manual disassembly of the baffles, no tools required.
Cleanout door
They are usually cast doors without glass. They are totally opaque.
Closed stove
Completed constructed modular wood burning cook stove ready for installation.
CO emissions

A value that measures emissions of carbon monoxide, an odourless, colourless, tasteless, toxic and highly flammable gas.

Conto Térmico
An Italian regulation that encourages interventions to increase energy efficiency and thermal energy production from renewable sources for small installations.
It is called convection when heat is transmitted and creates natural air circulation in any room.
Rotating cover that allows the passage of air/smoke through a pipe to be opened/closed
A device used to divert the direction of the smoke flow before leaving the duct
Double Combustion
Technology whereby the gas from the firewood’s initial combustion is burned again. It provides greater efficiency and life for your firewood with lower consumption.
Double sided
These are fireplaces or wood burning stoves that have glass on the front and back of the fireplace in order to see the fire and get heat from both sides.
Channelling of air through ducts
Easy Fire Control
Fire control system that can regulate the optimal combustion and cleaning of the firewood appliance with one simple remote control device.
Easy To Clean
Surface treatment of the wood burning cook stoves with a high-quality enamel. Makes cleaning easy with as little as a damp cloth.
Ecodesign 2022
A European regulation (compliance with which is mandatory starting in 2022) that will require greater energy efficiency in all products and lower emissions of CO, OGC, NOx and other types of hitherto uncontrolled pollutant gases.

A European certification related to energy consumption. It grades the product based on strict sustainable criteria defined at European level and ensures that the purchased product meets the maximum sustainability requirements

Energy efficiency
This consists in the efficient use of energy. We refer to an efficient wood burning appliance when it consumes less energy than the average energy required to make it work.
Eolo System
High pressure ventilation system with centrifugal turbines and speed regulator (switchboard) to allow different rooms of the home to be heated through ducts.
External Air Inlet
Connectible system that takes air from outside the house for combustion. Suitable for low consumption housing.
Extra Clean Glass
Novel air intake system on the glass to keep it clean for longer.

An instrument or apparatus with rotating blades that drives or removes air.

Flamme Verte
Flamme Verte is a quality label for wood burning appliances in France. To obtain the Flamme Verte label, the energy and environmental performance of each device is controlled in laboratories, accredited against ISO / IEC 17025 and notified by the European Commission, whose tests give access to the CE certification.
Flow Driving
Hot air bypass system with selectable outlet. It allows for longer ducts and makes it possible to close the air outlet. Includes a turbine control unit.
Guillotine opening
A sliding door opening that pulls up and can stay hidden
Entrance that provides access to clean the cook stove, wood burning stove or fireplace.
Heat ducting
Wood burning appliances with heat ducting are those that heat the room in which they are installed and also the adjoining rooms through a duct system that distributes the heat to different spaces.
Heatable area

The square metres heated by the wood burning stove, cook stove or fireplace.

Heatable volume

The cubic metres heated by the wood burning stove, cook stove or fireplace.

Cook stoves, wood burning stoves or fireplaces that heat water in a circuit to heat the entire house in a more even and balanced way
Also known as cassette fireplaces, they are an evolution of the classic open fireplace. Specially designed to be inserted into existing holes
Set of iron pieces used to decorate or reinforce the structure of a door or another object.
An appliance, in this case for firewood, that is embedded in the wall in a single piece.
Tubular opening where the air used for combustion in the wood-burning appliance enters in or travels out through ducts to other rooms
Perfect Combustion
Optimum burning technology allowing high combustion efficiency values to be achieved. Consumes less and makes loads of firewood last longer.
Device with which the wood burning appliance’s power can be controlled.
Power range

Minimum and maximum power of the wood burning appliance or the variance in power obtained from conditions of slow and maximum combustion.


This refers to some materials’ property of being resistant to high temperatures without decomposing or storing heat.

Retractable doors
Door opening system that slides completely flush with the wall, making the doors disappear.
Safety coil
A hollow, spirally wound tube used to cool the heating device’s tun (tank) in case of overheating.
Screen printed glass
This refers to glass with the imprint of something written or drawn on it.
Silent Mode
A system allowing turbines to be shut off to enjoy complete silence.
Smoke outlet

It is the part of a wood burning appliance through which the fumes are expelled.

Tangential fan
All fans in which air flow leaves its axis in a tangential direction.
Thermal discharge valve
A valve that prevents overheating in wood-burning appliances by letting cold water pass through it toward the safety coil

A material with a high capacity for storage and thermal transmission, besides its insulating properties. It is resistant to high temperatures and is an excellent heat accumulator. Great white finish.

Total heating power
Useful heat released by the device. It is the sum of the heat released to water and the atmosphere.
A tank containing the water to be heated by fire in boilers

A novel material with excellent insulation, high strength, aesthetics and lightness. In addition, LACUNZA vermiculite uses the appropriate density, thickness and dimension for each device. This customised design for each project allows for longer lasting fires, avoiding any type of problem. It is essentially a material composed of aluminium magnesium and iron silicate.

Water power

Average power released by a heating appliance (for water) to a heating system.

Workplace stove
Wood burning cook stove requiring on site assembly with heat-resistant materials such as refractory bricks.

Relationship between the power generated in the combustion chamber relative to the heat felt in the household.