* The accessories store is available only for the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands
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High-pressure ventilation system with centrifugal turbines and speed regulator (control unit).
Technology that ensures complete combustion of all pollutant particles in the flue gas.
A value that measures emissions of carbon monoxide, an odourless, colourless, tasteless, toxic and highly flammable gas.
A European certification related to energy consumption. It grades the product based on strict sustainable criteria defined at European level and ensures that the purchased product meets the maximum sustainability requirements
An instrument or apparatus with rotating blades that drives or removes air.
The square metres heated by the wood burning stove, cook stove or fireplace.
The cubic metres heated by the wood burning stove, cook stove or fireplace.
Minimum and maximum power of the wood burning appliance or the variance in power obtained from conditions of slow and maximum combustion.
Directed turbulence combustion to reduce particulate pollutants.
This refers to some materials’ property of being resistant to high temperatures without decomposing or storing heat.
It is the part of a wood burning appliance through which the fumes are expelled.
A material with a high capacity for storage and thermal transmission, besides its insulating properties. It is resistant to high temperatures and is an excellent heat accumulator. Great white finish.
A novel material with excellent insulation, high strength, aesthetics and lightness. In addition, LACUNZA vermiculite uses the appropriate density, thickness and dimension for each device. This customised design for each project allows for longer lasting fires, avoiding any type of problem. It is essentially a material composed of aluminium magnesium and iron silicate.
Average power released by a heating appliance (for water) to a heating system.
Relationship between the power generated in the combustion chamber relative to the heat felt in the household.